Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Love of the Cross✝️

The Cross 

Focused on the Cross

For the joy set before Him [Jesus] endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. — Hebrews 12:2

For the joy set before Him… that’s us! When Jesus was on the cross, the joy that kept Him going — the passion that fueled His endurance of pain — was knowing the freedom His death, burial, and resurrection would produce in our lives.

Nothing demonstrates God’s love more powerfully than the Cross.

Jesus wasn’t forced to die. He wasn’t overpowered, outnumbered, or tricked into it. He chose the Cross because He loves you and me. Jesus’ passionate love for us took Him to the Cross — with its pain, humiliation, and complete separation from God — and then on to the resurrected life that means victory over sin and death for you and me. What passion!

Throughout our lives, we have opportunities to show God we love Him. Again, we do these things not to earn His love but in response to His unconditional, unstoppable love. Because our hearts burn with the same kind of passion that lives in Him. So, activate that passion in your life today. Worship Him passionately. Seek Him first passionately. Share His love with your family passionately. Reach out to others passionately. Let’s turn our lives, our families, our communities, and the world around for Jesus!

What amazing grace! What indescribable love! Jesus, thank You for dying on the Cross for my sins — and teach me to live a life of passionate thanks.

Amazing Love

I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power… to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. — Ephesians 3:17-18

If you need a light in the darkness today, ponder God’s amazing love for you: 

As He knit you together, He loved you (Psalm 139:13). 

Before you could choose Him, He chose you (John 15:16). 

When you were broken, bitter, and blaming, He made you whole and showed you the sweet taste of forgiveness (Psalm 103:8-12). 

When you had no hope, He became your hope (1 Peter 1:3).

When you were too busy with the cares of this world, He interrupted you to show you what is eternal (Psalm 90:4). 

When you were lost, He found you, rescued you, and showed you that His mercy and justice will prevail (Luke 15). 

When you were disappointed, He taught you that disappointments can bring you to appointments He ordained (Romans 8:28). 

Then, in His ultimate act of love, Jesus owned the Cross — He made a way for us to be with God. Now you are empowered to know His love and bring His hope to a world desperate to know Him.

Lord God, Your love is overwhelming. Show me how to share Your light in the darkness.


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